miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

Our Opinion

We feel very identified with this method because it is related with 
what we are studying. 
This method can help us a lot in the future because it has told us 
what methods we can use in the classroom with our future students, 
as in the case of a student with dyslexia. 
Learning another language is necessary to decipher codes, as you 
learn when we are just starting to speak our language. 
We think that this method is very useful in the classroom because 
the student not only care about what the teacher is talking, but also 
students are involved in the class, it becomes an experience, and they 
are part of it and so its meaningful.
The more techniques we learn as teachers, the easier would be to 
teach English and so the student will want to participate in class 
because it would be so much fun than just a board boring class.

Council, B. (s.f.). BBC. Obtenido de Teaching English: http://

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